From the movie 'Australian' that I had watched, the character that I like the most is Lady Ashley or normally known as Mrs. Boss. This character was played by Nicole Kidman.
Sarah Ashley is a beautiful lady. She travels from the Great Britain to Australia to meet her husband, Maitland Ashley in northern Australia. the husband's drover comes to the city of Darwin to bring Sarah to their farm, however, when they reach Faraway Downs Farm, they find that Maitland was murdered. Sarah befriends Nullah, who tells her that the administrator Neil Fletcher is stealing her cattle, has killed her husband, and is working for the cattle baron, King Carney. Sarah fires Flether and his men and together with Drover, Nullah and a group of loyal employees, they ride together to take the cattle to supply the army and win a tender in times of war. But the ambitious Fletcher has other intentions and uses Nullah to press Sarah.
Sarah Ashley is a very nice character. She is a loving and caring person. She willing to take care of Nullah after his mother dead. Eventhought Nullah is a black kid, which is at that time, there was a discriminant against the skin colour, but Sarah just ignored it because of her sympathy towards Nullah. She does everything to make Nullah happy and always cheer up after his mother dead. She sang a song to Nullah went Nullah ask her eventhought she do not know how to sing. When Nullah and some other boys were send to the Mission Island, she was the most person that worried about that. All this situations clearly showed that Lady Sarah is a loving and caring person.
Beside that, Sarah also a strong lady. Even her husband was murdered, she does not give up easily and she try to fulfill her husband mission which is wanted to bring all the cattles from the Faraway Downs. On their way to send all the cattles, they faced such a big problem. Fletcher and his workers were trying to kill all the cattles but fortunately they manage to safe all the cattles. Besides, one of her loyal worker was killed when trying to gather again all the cattles. But all this problems does not effect her instead she still with her planned; bring all teh cattles out of Faraway Downs.
She also a brave and determinant person. Even she is only a lady, but it is not an excuse to her for not to take the cattles from the Faraway Downs. At first, Drover refused to help her but her willingness to learn and her determinant to take the cattle from the Faraway Downs finally had changed the Drover's perspective and he finally helped Sarah.
Based on the above reasons, I choose Lady Sarah as my favourite character in this wondeful movie...